
I am an Assistant Professor at Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (CMAP) of École Polytechnique, since 2022.

My research lies at the boundary of machine learning and statistical mechanics. I am developing machine learning methods to solve computational problems in statistical physics, with a particular focus on generative models and sampling problems. As such, some aspects of my research also applies to Bayesian inference. My research is currently supported by a Chair from Hi! Paris.

Before that, I had the pleasure to work with F. Krzakala and L. Zdeborová during my PhD, and with E. Vanden-Eijnden during my postdoc.


SaclAI 4 Science Workshop - July 8-12 2024 - Palaiseau, France


Are you a scientist (Ph.D., postdoc or permnanent) interested in learning about ML and exploring its potential for your research? Have you already found out how ML can be more than a keyword to get funding? Are you not afraid of riding the RER B? Join us for the Sacl-AI 4 Science Workshop! Regisration is free but mandatory. Deadline for submitting contributions is April 15. More information on the [Event website].

Youth in High-Dimensions - May 20-24 2024 - ICTP Trieste, Italy


We are excited to announce the 5th edition of Youth in High-Dimensions: a workshop focused on giving emerging researchers the opportunity to present results in high-dimensional problems arising in machine learning, inference, statistical physics, and neuroscience. Registration is free. Apply by March 31 through the [Event website].